We visited Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth (NPHY) this month, a non-profit organization that assists homeless youth in southern Nevada, and had a great time getting to know them. We want to let more people know about youth homelessness which is one of the major causes of human trafficking and that there are organizations like NPHY which contribute to support those youths. Also find out what we can do as a part of the human trafficking prevention steps through working with NPHY.
Homelessness Youth Situation in Nevada
According to the 2023 Nevada Youth Homelessness Summit, many youth are experiencing homelessness in Nevada. “On a given night in Nevada, more than 300 youth are without a stable place to live, a bed to call their own or even modest shelter to shield them from the outdoors. As a result, thousands of Nevada youth experience homelessness every year.” Apparently it is very challenging for those youth to survive by themselves, so traffickers can easily target them.
What causes youth homelessness? Each individual has unique situations, but family issues tend to be the main cause. “Youth homelessness is often rooted in family conflict. Other contributing factors include economic circumstances like poverty and housing insecurity, racial disparities, and mental health and substance use disorders. Young people who have had involvement with the child welfare and juvenile justice systems are also more likely to become homeless.”
Many of those youths have mental issues because of their experiences. Lack of acceptance of minorities can also be the cause of youth homelessness. “Many homeless youth and young adults have experienced significant trauma before and after becoming homeless and are particularly vulnerable, including victims of sexual trafficking and exploitation. Youth who identify as LGBTQ; pregnant and parenting youth; youth with special needs or disabilities, and youth of color, particularly African-American and Native American youth, are also more likely to become homeless.”
What Do NPHY Do
The following statement from NPHY’s website best describes what they have done with the homeless youth during the past 20+ years:
“Since 2001, NPHY’s best practice programs have helped thousands of homeless youth graduate from high school, enroll in courage, embark on careers, find their passions, build supportive social networks, transition to safe and stable housing, and realize brighter futures.”
Learn more about NPHY’s Three Strategic Priorities & Six Areas of Impact

A Tour of the NPHY Drop-In Center
As we get a tour of the drop-in center, we are very inspired by what NPHY offers to homeless youth. Their clients are aged 12 to 24 and have all kinds of resources based on their needs such as emergency shelter, food, safe locker, clothing, computer, classes, housing support, and counseling, etc.
All staff members treat clients as their family which must be the greatest support. It was nice to see the lovely and colorful mural with the sun, smiley face, and positive words on their property that youth painted describing what is NPHY for them. We even saw a staff member who used to be a client and now works for them.
There are also challenges, such as the difficulty letting the homeless youth know about available resources provided by NPHY, or some youth could not follow through the recommendations by NPHY and end up on the street again and again. Despite these presented obstacles, we still feel there is hope in the community for the homeless youth to break their miserable cycle through organizations like NPHY.
How Can We Help
NPHY has multiple opportunities for you to get involved such as volunteers or making donations.
Individual Volunteer Opportunities
- Do-Gooder’s: To help NPHY with various tasks around the Drop-In Center | Every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 am to 11:00 am at the Drop-In Center
- Engage Me: To teach a class | Every Tuesday and Thursday from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the Drop-In Center
Group Volunteer Opportunities
- Cookin’ for a Cause: To prepare meals | Every Tuesday and Thursday from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the Drop-In Center
- Feel Good Friday: a youth outreach event hosted by NPHY | Every Friday from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drop-In Center Beautification Projects | One Saturday a month from 9 am to 1 pm at the Drop-In Center
Click here for more information.
One of the staff said that they need more awareness in our community, so that youth who are in unstable living conditions know that organizations like NPHY are here to support them. We can keep that in mind and actively share when you find someone in need.
We can also make more effort to create fulfilling relationships with people around us, especially with our family members. We can simply start from asking more questions or telling the truth about ourselves. Some people may have good and stable families already. If so they can expand their love for their neighbors in their unique ways.
Family conflict is the major cause of youth homelessness. If each family can be safe and loving places for children, and if those families make communities, there would be less homeless youth and victims of human trafficking.