Sharing is indeed caring—this timeless notion holds true even today. When you share what you know, you not only benefit others but also enrich yourself. Through sharing, you broaden your horizons, strengthen connections, deepen your understanding of the subject matter, and perhaps even save a life.
Sharing is Protection
Safeguard your community and combat the proliferation of human trafficking by acquiring this set of poster designs and informative tip sheets. These resources are available for free, allowing you to print and distribute them to businesses, institutions, and organizations within your community.
Operation Post & Protect
Help protect your community with this bundle of printable & distributable posters & tip sheets!
Watch and share these videos to empower those around you.
Getting Kids To See Their Own True Power (1 of 5) The first in a five-part interview series with Crime Prevention Specialist, Stephanie Mann, giving parents/caregivers 5 key game-changers to help their children become successful, independent thinkers, leaders and positive contributors to society.
How To Create A Spiritually Centered Child (2 of 5) Stephanie Mann explains in this episode the steps it takes to create a spiritually centered child. Teaching your kids how to stay protected and safe is crucial to their empowerment and this episode tells you how to do it.
How To Build Stronger Communities (3 of 5) The words spoken by Margaret Mead have never rung truer when it comes to engaging your community to protect those who live there, especially children. Tune into this third episode with Stephanie Mann to learn how a community did just that and how to empower your community to create a safe and protective atmosphere for all those that live there. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only that that ever has.”
How To Create An Empowered Child (4 of 5) The Empowerment Parenting series with Stephanie continues with her speaking on the importance of empowering your child. There are so many great takeaways in the stories she brings and you’ll be left with keys to make it happen.
Empower Kids From The Inside Out (5 of 5) In the final episode of our chat with Stephanie Mann, she covers the 3 C’s parents can instill in their children to guide them in living a successful life. You’ll also glean some additional gems weaved throughout the stories she shares and wisdom from her experience.
Sharing Is Creating A Movement
Harness the power of your voice, social media, and turn it into a movement to liberate the lives of those still enslaved today. Consider going on a 7-day fast for victims of trafficking. Or challenge yourself to pray/meditate for victims of trafficking for 21 days. Document your entire experience on your social media, tagging your posts using #SLAVERYMUSTDIE.