June 2, 2024

When it Comes to Human Trafficking, Your Silence is Deafening

Imagine a world where millions of people are trapped in a hidden nightmare. Every year, countless individuals are forced into labor, servitude, or a horrifying commercial sex trade. This
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May 24, 2024

The Crisis of Unaccompanied Migrant Children & Human Trafficking

In 2021 and 2022, over 250,000 migrant children arrived in the U.S. alone. Emergency shelters were bursting at the seams, unable to provide adequate shelter for the overwhelming number
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sex buyer
May 17, 2024

Who Buys Sex? It’s Not Real Men

Human trafficking is a foul crime against other human beings. Exploiting another person for personal or commercial benefit under egregious circumstances is an evil that needs to be stopped,
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May 10, 2024

The Trauma Trap of Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is an illegal, organized criminal business that thrives on the exploitation of people for beneficial means, like profit. It is a lucrative “business” because it is perceived
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not human trafficking
May 7, 2024

7 Things You Thought Were Human Trafficking But Really Are Not

Human trafficking is becoming more and more of a buzzword these days. And it’s easy to mistake certain situations as being suspicious of human trafficking, when they really are
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human trafficking and fame
April 23, 2024

Human Trafficking is No Stranger to Fame

Human trafficking is an atrocious crime that exploits people for forced labor, commercial sexual exploitation or domestic servitude via force, fraud or coercion. While high-profile cases involving celebrities sometimes
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human trafficking image
April 9, 2024

Instead of Shock & Awe, Let’s Reframe Human Trafficking Imagery

Have you ever searched “human trafficking” online and seen those images pop up? You know the ones…the frightened girl with duct tape over her mouth, the forlorn figure in
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human trafficking prevention
April 8, 2024

Human Trafficking Prevention: It’s Not Enough to Just Know

When you KNOW better, you DO better. – Maya Angelou Why is Human Trafficking Prevention so Difficult? The very nature of human trafficking is complex, universal and daunting, at
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fight human trafficking
April 7, 2024

5 Immediate Ways You can Fight Human Trafficking & Have a Big Impact

1: DRINK, EAT, OR WEAR FAIR TRADE We can vote for a better world through the products we buy. What do I mean by “fair trade?” There are three
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child sex trafficking
April 6, 2024

Victims of Child Sex Trafficking: Whose Child is this?

Of the 23,500 kids who ran away in 2019, ONE IN SIX were likely victims of child sex trafficking. (src: Whose child is this? She is your daughter,
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